The increasing threat of the Coronavirus to the Australian society and in particular the economic impact has prompted the CCFS Executive Team and Board to consider how best to respond to the rapidly changing environment and the impact this may have on our customers.
CCFS has been working with its banking partners to ensure we have taken the necessary steps to provide continuity of service during this difficult time. CCFS itself has prepared for our team to work remotely now that our office is closed. As CCFS is considered an essential service, we continue to provide continued and uninterrupted service to our customers.
With church services closed and the giving of some churches impacted, CCFS joins with The Australian Banking Association to offer similar relief on request to those churches who have borrowed from CCFS. We recognise that some churches will have the financial capacity to continue to meet all of their obligations. However, others may not.
CCFS encourages any church that may be experiencing financial hardship due to the Coronavirus to contact the CCFS office to apply for a loan repayment review. This will help CCFS work in partnership with your church to ensure your funds can be used most effectively for the continued ministry of Church of Christ churches in their communities.
The CCFS office can be contacted during business hours via the Contact Us link on this website or alternatively, you can discuss options with your Relationship Manager whose contact details can be found here.