Using the email is the key to good customer service. It is a group email address that all of our team have access to. Because of the team’s part time hours, any email sent to a personal email address could slip between the cracks. Using the above email address ensures the next person available will attend to your needs… Read more →
Monthly Archives: March 2016
Shot of Inspiration, March
“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!” – Matthew 25:21 NIV Read more →
CCFS & South Australia
We are excited to welcome South Australia’s Building Extension Mutual Fund as the newest partner in CCFS. Discussions were conducted over many months with the SA BEMF Committee and executive team members. After working through the logistics of amalgamation we were able to welcome South Australian investors and borrowers to CCFS. Phil Burgess, GM-Operations for SA & NT says “Churches… Read more →
Pushpay Special Offer
Pushpay is a relatively new mobile payment company and CCFS has established an exclusive group pricing plan for Churches of Christ churches and a liated organisations. This pricing option is solely available through CCFS. As many of you will be aware, giving by cash and cheque is in rapid decline and the team at CCFS have been searching for a… Read more →