Pushpay is a relatively new mobile payment company and CCFS has established an exclusive group pricing plan for Churches of Christ churches and a liated organisations. This pricing option is solely available through CCFS.
As many of you will be aware, giving by cash and cheque is in rapid decline and the team at CCFS have been searching for a convenient solution. Pushpay has been designed to be the first genuine 10-second mobile giving app with a valuable web option to match.
Experience has shown that congregational giving increases when extra giving options are provided and this is certainly the case with Pushpay. How many times have members in your congregation left their wallet or purse at home or in the car and missed an opportunity to give. Perhaps some in your congregation pay electronically, however, may still be unprepared to give spontaneously to a special need or in response to God stirring their heart.
Pushpay’s vision and focus is to provide the tools to enable generosity in your church or organisation.
The speed and simplicity of the Pushpay platform allows people to give in the moment, and the result for your church or ministry can be a signicant increase in giving. We have many examples of how Pushpay has worked for other churches and organisations.
As a special o er, we would like to provide the first two months free for any church or organisation wanting to take up Pushpay before the end of May. Please contact our o ce for any further information. Contact details are at the bottom of the page.