At a time of rising interest rates many churches with loans will be looking at their budgets and searching for ways to keep interest costs down.
CrossCulture Point Cook completed their new church building in 2018 at a time when interest rates were declining. The development was designed to be a community asset and included an auditorium for church and community use, commercial space for possible medical suites and a childcare centre. Led by Ps Mike and Esther Kirkpatrick, the facilities proved to be an ideal springboard for ministry to the Point Cook community.
CrossCulture has been able to utilise their surplus funds, along with those of willing congregation members, to invest in CCFS Church Builder Offset accounts. These offset accounts have saved the church close to $10,000 per annum in interest.
CrossCulture is one of many that have been able to take advantage of the Church Builder Offset account. Over $6.0M is currently invested in offset accounts with borrowers saving in excess of $300,000 during the last financial year. That’s $300,000 that has been reinvested into important local ministry and outreach rather than interest payments.
Church Builder Offset accounts are available to churches to invest their own funds as well as those of congregation members. Many congregation members have commented that it’s a practical way of supporting the church beyond their regular giving.
Further information can be found on the CCFS website or by contacting the friendly CCFS customer service team
Pictured above (left to right) are Pastors Mike and Esther Kirkpatrick, Pastor David and Rebecca Lee, Pastors Martin and Marina Harianto