Churches of Christ Victorian & Tasmanian annual summit


An annual highlight for the CCFS team is being able to meet and chat with many of our clients at the annual Summit in May. More than 450 people from over 85 churches throughout Victoria and Tasmania gathered at Berwick Church of Christ for the summit with the theme “Future Now”. Joining the CCFS team for the first time at Summit was CCFS WA State Relationship Manager Pieter Brink.

Inspirational presentations were given by CCVT Executive Officer Dr Rob Nyhuis, Dave Ferguson – Lead Pastor of Community Christian Church (USA) & CEO of the church planting movement Exponential and Professor Dr. Ruth Powell – Director NCLS Research.

CCFS Chair, David Warren outlined the financial performance of CCFS during the financial year, provided an update on the proposed merger with Baptist Financial Services (BFS) and introduced the BFS Chair Ross Langford.

It’s a valuable time of ministry for the team but also, an important opportunity to “put a face to a name” for those we meet for the first time as well as reconnecting with those we haven’t seen during the year.

CCFS continues to rely on the investments of our member churches and congregation members, to help fund future growth and church development.